A new chapter in life – To surf on those waves of passions in the ocean of life

So it’s final – My resignation! I’ll be leaving my job as a Portfolio Manager as of next month – Aug 2018
I’m saying goodbye to the corporate world, the thrills of the financial market, the buzz and hecticness of the trading floor, which was once my dream job, once everything I had ever wanted in my career path. In the last two years, enriched with many mind-opening travels, self-reflection, reading, learning, and letting myself inspired, my passion for healthy food/cooking has transformed into a fervent pursuit and practice of holistic health and nutrition; a yearning for a fulfilling life and a hunger for an entrepreneurial journey.
And so when I realised that my work environment was no longer giving me the energy, the drive, peace of mind, and happiness, but more of a burden on my well-being, I decided to walk away. This means I’m parting with a stable income, a known path, a job that many would probably tell me “to-die-for” to enter into the uncharted water, exploring my business ideas in healthful food and wellness.
This is THE biggest decision in my life so far, after that of many years ago when I decided to go study abroad (which was actually more of an opportunity-grabbing rather than a head-torn decision). This opens a new chapter in my life that will sure be full of uncertainty, challenges, nervousness, but also excitement, purposes, and prospects of self-made success. I feel partially relieved, partially anxious, and at this moment, only a tiny bit excited, but utmost proud of my bravery to walk away and into something new. As long as I dare explore, work hard, and commit to my passions, I know I will not regret.
And just like with surfing, I might get very nervous of big waves, the dangerous rock and reef underwater, the fear of losing the board/leash while being no good swimmer; but I know once I’m brave enough make it to the line-up, spotting the right swells, try as many waves as I can, and paddling (aka working) hard enough, I will ultimately catch those waves.
In the coming period, I will be working on my business ideas and finalising my Holistic Nutrition / Health Coach training which I started last September. I hope to be able to share my plan with you soon!
Happy self-reflecting to me, and Happy Weekend to you!!!
4 thoughts on “A new chapter in life – To surf on those waves of passions in the ocean of life”
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Daring is loosing temporarily the ground under your feet, not daring is loosing yourself! Go HA, GO!
Thank you for your wonderful support!!! I’d like more of that 😉
You are so brave to choose for your dreams and believes!
You are inspiring Ha!
Thank you love :X!!!