Join me in my journey FromFood2Fit!

Join me in my journey FromFood2Fit!

A food soul?
A fitness addict?
A travel enthusiast?
A dedicated (amateur) home-chef ?
A full-time corporate professional? Soon to be ex-corporate!
A committed Health Coach to-be?
A momma to 2 tigresses?
Yes, I am!!! Just like you, I might wear a lot of ? everyday, sometimes running with ⏳ to fit them all in 24 hours. But I have never felt more fulfilling, excited, healthy and strong playing all these roles at once! And this blog is a daily collection of my nutritious bites, a journey in healthful recipe creation, a journal of fitness motivations, travel inspirations, and life experiences that I’d like to share with the world out there.

Join me on FromFood2Fit journey and have LOTS of fun ?!!!



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